There seem to be numerous applications for maemo and I can't figure out 
how/where to easily load them. I'm not too familiar with maemo 
repositories/syntax or debian commands (used mostly rpm from redhat).

All that is present after flashing is xterm, gnu helloworld and some other app 
which escapes me at the moment.

1. Shouldn't Application Manager allow me to download original applications 
that came with device? (opera, etc.). How do I go about at least adding Opera 
and GoogleTalk application. Do I need to build these in sdk and deploy to 
device or can I do direct download? What are targets I need to specify or url 
of docs for this?

2. If there are no applications (to speak of) after flashing...why is there 
"Messenger" icon on desktop with many menuitems and no apps hooked up to this part of core ui hildon framework?

3. Is the ApplicationManager just gui around apt-get?

4. Why is there no mention of root password for n800. I couldn't use apt-get 
due to not being root and got warning message about same. Is the intent that 
developers only be "root" on sdk machine where they build apps for deploy to 
device? And that on device you should just use Application Manager?

I think Nokia dev docs are missing section after flashing on "root/user" 
accounts and passwords. I found in older maemo2 docs the concept of these 2 
user accounts.

5. Upon visiting Maemo garage repository and wanting to download some 
apps...they all seem to have different install instructions and in some case no 
instructions...downloading binary directly to browser.

Is the scheme as follows? If they state is available as DEB package then just 
use ApplicationManager to install from file after downloading to 
device....otherwise if they give repository fields then fill in using 


      *Applet CPU/Mem/Screenshot applet*


            Status: Works fine


            How to install: from repository [WWW]
   with Application Manager

Take the above example (applet cpu). It says to use ApplicationManager to 
install applet...yet I never saw this app as download option even before I 
flashed N800. Trying to add above url to ApplicationManager manually fails 
during update with no message shown.

It seems many application in garage don't fully specify repository fields 
correctly for inclusion in Application Manager. Some don't list certain fields, 

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