After looking over some of the developer documentation I realized I didn't
need a device to try porting my application so I decided to give it a try.

I installed the Scratchbox and Xephyr and compiled one of the test programs.
I was pleasantly surprised to see how easy it was to get started. After
sorting out some issues with dependencies, I was able to get my program
compiling and running in a pretty short amount of time. You can see the
results in a few screenshots here:

Now I have a few questions:

I've seen some posts about cairo on the mailing list but I didn't see a
package for it. Is it available or should I be looking for another way to
fulfill my cairo needs?

Are there any hildon_* functions to get the icon names for directories (home
folder, trash , desktop, normal folders) and for mime types? I was using a
libgnomeui function (gnome_icon_lookup_sync).

Does the N800 have a way to emit the GdkEventScroll?


Mike Morrison

On 1/11/07, Mike Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was reading and saw many posts about the N800 device
and I would love to get in on the Developer Device Program. I read a comment
from MDK (here:
that said posting a message to this mailing list is the way to sign up for
the program.

I have had a tiny bit of involvement in the open-source community:

- I have been creating an image viewer in GTK+ 2.0
- I have filed several bug reports with gtk+ and other open source
- I have helped my brother with his webcam_server project

If given the opportunity to participate in this program I would love to
try porting my image viewer to the Maemo 3.0 platform.

I have not "released" quiver yet (except to a few close friends) so try it
at your own risk (and if you have Ubuntu).

BTW, Is the N800 even available in Canada?


Mike Morrison

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