This has been studied briefly, and since SDL games are a very colorful
bunch we felt that a solution to suit "SDL games" is a very illusive
target, we would not get a solution that suits all and it would be a
hack complicating things evern futher.
The startup screen has been seen as a significantly more elegant way of
dealing with most of the cases and so far it has proven right (how many
games require text entry during the gameplay?).
I don't really understand. is it be possible to combine the gtk based
startup screen
with a sdl game?
I have found two "option" for combining gtk and sdl
This method allows to create a SDL sufrace and draw onto it but does not allow
the SDL_main loop to run (because the gtk mail loop is called).
The other one I have found is called sdlgtk
This already looks better because the sdk loop can run (if I
understand it correctly).
the only problem is that this is actually a hack and uses ld
preloading to override gtk functions.
While searching for an existing virtual sdl keyboard I found this link
I am no clear about the status of it, I agree that it might be hard to
create a nice looking keyboard for every game, but a semi-transparent
keyboard will look nice on any game.
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