Greetings again, Dear Maemo Developers,

I am now porting several emulators and games to the Nokia 770, some of them 
shown here:

Many of these are acceptably fast at 320x240 but too slow at 640x480 or 
800x480.  The problem is
that some SDL applications do not maintain 2x doubling but flicker to 1x 
scaling - example video

I have spent several weeks of trial and error trying to find a way around these 
issues by changing
various details of the SDL implementation, but have not been successful.

I have heard that Xsp doubling is fixed now and I see there is a patch for 
Xomap which may solve
the doubling problems on the 770.

However, I do not see that it has been applied to my most-recent IT2006 
xserver-xomap 6.6.3-28

Do I understand that the Xsp/Xomap bugfix will not be applied to IT2006 due to 
Nokia dropping
support for 770?

If this is true, is it possible to compile an unofficial Xomap server for 
gregale/it2006 that can
be installed without requiring reflashing the OS?

If not, could someone suggest a workaround?   It seems fairly straightforward 
to me that a
fullscreen on-top SDL window with disabled cursor should preclude the X server 
from registering
damage or calling redraws to any other windows.

Regards and thanks,
Arnim Sauerbier

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