On Mon, Apr 30, 2007 at 10:23:37AM +0300, ext Eero Tamminen wrote:
> ext Tapani Pälli wrote:
> > Please note that pixeldoubler is very platform specific thing and for it
> > to work you have to touch the code, there's no way around it. Also, it's
> > not very 'official' feature for gaming (at least yet) so it's not very
> > well supported. Hopefully we can build some safety around it in the
> > future as it's very useful for gaming. Even if you take care of
> > clipping, a system-modal dialog  or infoprint popping from the UI can
> > destroy the current view.
> And if the game doesn't disable the double pixeling properly (e.g. if it
> crashes or freezes), user needs to reboot the device.  Not very nice
> either...

In theory, crashing should be perfectly safe on the N800.


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