On Mon, Apr 30, 2007 at 10:10:23AM +0300, ext Tapani Pälli wrote:
> ext Arnim Sauerbier wrote:
> > Many of these are acceptably fast at 320x240 but too slow at 640x480 or 
> > 800x480.  The problem is
> > that some SDL applications do not maintain 2x doubling but flicker to 1x 
> > scaling - example video
> > here:
> >
> > http://pupnik.de/UQM_Xsp_SDL_Doubling_Bugs.avi
> I could not watch this video, I guess I'm missing some codecs but I can
> also throw a another guess, very likely the application draws over
> 400x240 area. With 770 there is no clipping done for you and you have to
> take care to clip your drawing to 400x240 when using pixeldoubler. IIRC
> this is fixed for N800 (?)

Yeah, it just ignores all drawing beyond 400x240 on the N800.

> Please note that pixeldoubler is very platform specific thing and for it
> to work you have to touch the code, there's no way around it. Also, it's
> not very 'official' feature for gaming (at least yet) so it's not very
> well supported. Hopefully we can build some safety around it in the
> future as it's very useful for gaming. Even if you take care of
> clipping, a system-modal dialog  or infoprint popping from the UI can
> destroy the current view.

I don't like it as it's far too ITOS-specific (I won't be satisfied
until XSP no longer exists).  It'll probably be replaced with RandR some
time in the future, even if the fixed resolution choices are only
800x480 and 400x240.


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