On Tue, Jun 05, 2007 at 06:42:41PM +0200, Fred Pacquier wrote:
> My specific problem was determining the screen resolution at the start 
> of a pyGame app, to run it fullscreen on the tablet, and windowed on 
> other platforms. This does not seem possible from pyGame itself,

How about taking the largest one from pygame.display.list_modes()?

> the 
> only workaround I could find was to also import gtk just to use its 
> gtk.gdk.screen_width() and gtk.gdk.screen_height() functions once.

Both approaches will fail when you have a dual-head system -- you'll see
a large combined display size (e.g. 2308x1024 for a 1024x768+1280x1024
dual-head mode that crashes pygame when you try to switch to it).  With
gtk.gdk you can at least find the number of screens and their

> As this is a lot of overhead for the tablet, I preferred to detect that 
> platform first and set the values manually, and only use gtk detection 
> for more powerful platforms. If there's a better way I'd love to know it :-)

Marius Gedminas
Gates' Law: Every 18 months, the speed of software halves.

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