ext Arto Karppinen wrote:
> Andreas Orfanos wrote:
>> Eclipse is very slow. I tried to move to Eclipse 3.2 my development
>> process. But it didn't work for me. Creating projects with
>> a few thousand files I managed to crash Eclipse a few times. It was
>> unworkable IDE.
> I agree, i had to use Carbide.C++ for 6 months for a student work i did 
> for a company. And i must say i DONT want use it again.
> Question: What do you get when you combine Java programming environment 
> made with Java, and a half functional C++ plugin to it?
> Answer: Slow and poorly functioning IDE.
> My recommendation: Go with Anjuta. To me as a programmer it is not 
> important whether i know the IDE before hand, most IDE's are pretty 
> similar in the end. What is REALLY REALLY REALLY important is that it 
> WORKS!. And Carbide / Eclipse doesnt. Not for C++. The really important 
> thing is that Anjuta is designed for GTK + C, and that the GTK people 
> seem to be heading that way. What Maemo should do is to go with the 
> flow, not to whander or somewhere else.
I'd like to once more emphasize that i don't like  to force  anyone use
eclipse. I even myself rather use emacs and i really support
making good Anjuta support for maemo.

There just happens to be many that prefer eclipse and
when there is large commercial developers using it, it
needs to be supported. It just happens to be a tool chosen
by Nokia for Symbian development.

This argument about personal preferences as only truth
has been in OSS community and it looks a like that it
won't change.

Henry Ford said  "Any customer can have a car painted any colour that
he wants so long as it is black" but times has changed and now you
can buy cars in all sizes and colours. It is just same thing with maemo,
when we make it as a mainstream we need offer options for
different needs and preferences.  We started just with C, next python,
then C++ and then .....

I can easily agree that Anjuta is better and faster in maemo development
than eclipse and if i need to chose IDE by myself, i rather would take it.
That anyhow does not change any bit that there is big number of commercial
developers that are using eclipse and need also cross platform tool, same
tool in different development platform (Linux,Win,Mac) and for different
target OS
and programming language.


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