
> gstreamer is poo. plain and simple. Yes, you need to recreate the
> pipeline. If you don't, bad things happen, like hanging and such after
> EOS. And no, EOS detection still doesn't work well in that class despite
> my many tries.

   That sounds like a bug, have you cared to file it? Does the same
happen when you try the same pipeline on a PC?

>We abandoned gstreamer support in Kagu for a reason. It's
> poo. It's much easier to just use OSSO Media Server via dbus and let
> *it* deal with gstreamer for us.

   OSSO Media Player is there for a reason and that is to save you
from gstreamer coding but that doesn't transate to 'gstreamer is a
poo'. Gstreamer attacks a very complicated problem domain (much larger
than just playing an mp3) and the current API provides the simplest
possible solution for it. Concluding that the whole API (and even the
project) is 'poo' looking at a bug, isn't very reasonable IMHO.

> Just the opinion of a developer who hung out on the #gstreamer IRC
> channel while writing gstplayer.py and saw every suggestion by the folks
> on that channel go up in smoke under one condition or another until the
> API was so riddled with inconsistencies that it was a smoking pile of
> garbage.

   I don't exactly see what you mean by " API was so riddled with
inconsistencies", API of what? your application?  What you are trying
to do *should* really be simple and if it isn't, you've found a bug
(not necessarily in gstreamer even).

> And no, before you ask, I don't think it's not Nokia's fault. gstreamer
> is just unexpectedly buggy. Too bad ALSA doesn't support inline mp3
> decoders... life would be easier for all of us...

   That might be because ALSA developers realize that decoding mp3
doesn't lie under the domain of ALSA project and that if it doesn't
work in gstreamer, it's a bug we need to file and fix.


Zeeshan Ali
FSF member#5124
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