
ext Klaus Rotter wrote:
> Eike Hein schrieb:
>> Massimo Mund wrote:
>>  > Did someone considered to write a mail to Quim Gil?
>>  > Perhaps he can make them take a notice of the problem.
>> Well, first of I expect Quim to read this list in
>> any case, and second the mail did state that we
>> should talk to the shops directly at this point.
> Well, today I filled up the contact form at the German Nokia online 
> shop. I really hope that a qualified person would process it...
> But maybe it would help if also Quim will contact them.

Back from holidays. I was more or less aware of the issues (thanks to
people posting here and there, also in my blog) but without any
possibility to do much. Other people in our team were following and
checking issues with the shops.

After a first round this morning:

- There are no issues in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Finland,
Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland.

- We are getting reports from France, Germany, Italy, Spain and UK at
this moment. There have been some issues in some of these shops but let
me until tomorrow to summarize the situation.

- We will talk to US and Canada later today due to different timezones.

I'm hoping to post a general summary tomorrow, hopefully full of good
news.  :/

Quim Gil
maemo-developers mailing list

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