On Tuesday 06 May 2008 17:01:31 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Graham Cobb wrote:
> > More and more applications cannot be built for Maemo just
> > because they use features in glib introduced after 2.12.12.
> > Personally I consider this a mistake of those programs. And I also
> > believe you're wrong.
> Dave Neary wrote:
> > For information, the new APIs added in glib between 2.12.x
> > and 2.16.x are:

In the case of Opensync the latest problem wasn't gio or, indeed, anything 
that Dave listed.  It was one of the hundreds of other small changes (new 
functions within existing features).  Glib adds many new functions at every 
release and developers make use of them.

My issue isn't just with glib, by the way, the same problem exists for all 
libraries.  In fact the previous out of date system library issue I had to 
deal with was a new entry point in libxml2.  In this case I had to take (most 
of, but not quite all) the entire module from the upstream source and 
conditionally include it into my Opensync patches.  A few days work I could 
have done without (maybe I could have fixed a GPE bug in that time instead).

I forget what the one before was -- I think it was glib again but it might not 
even have been in Opensync.

The general principle is that Nokia presumably re-test (not change, but test) 
all Nokia-supplied applications on every OS update, including point releases.  
So, if they are doing that, I would ask them to do that retest using the 
latest versions of all system libraries.

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