On Tue, 2008-05-06 at 17:57 +0100, ext Graham Cobb wrote:
> My issue isn't just with glib, by the way, the same problem exists for all 
> libraries.  In fact the previous out of date system library issue I had to 
> deal with was a new entry point in libxml2.  In this case I had to take (most 
> of, but not quite all) the entire module from the upstream source and 
> conditionally include it into my Opensync patches.  A few days work I could 
> have done without (maybe I could have fixed a GPE bug in that time instead).

Please make a bug for me to update libxml2 at some point. Usually I'm
adhering to the well-known principle "do not fix it if it's not broken",
because of years of experience has taught me there's some truth in it
(when people come spank me for breaking their software). Btw. We've had
some big problems with Glib upgrades in the past -- some builds broke
and caused delays in SW deliveries -- you cannot really know in advance
what will happen, thus the "do not fix it..." is quite wise.

BR; Kimmo

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