Thanks for the discussion and the many good ideas.

About silence, in fact a lot of it has not to do with confidentiality
but lack of priority (or too many top priorities in the hands of us able
to respond). What about a short term plan with common objectives:

- Raise in a structured way the topics that matter to you where you feel
there is a lack of response from Nokia. Now it is difficult to follow
everything even to people like me spending a lot of time here, leave
alone the average lead developer, project manager or product manager in
the house.

- Tag silences i.e. ToDo (answer will come when we have time), Planning
(still undecided, working on it), Later or Depends on XXX (other events
need to come first), Confidential (the stuf we really cannot talk about,
probably less than you think).

- Prioritize the items you want answered first.

Proposal for actions:

- Niels (web tools), Dave (web content) and Andre/Karsten (to be
introduced officially as bugmasters) are your kind of representatives
and they have lots of hours funded by Nokia to work for you. They are
the ones prioritizing the tasks that are relevant to the community. Make
sure they see how important is the thing you want to push. Avoid private
communications unless your stuff is private: lobby here, in bugzilla, in
planet maemo...

- This prioritization should be visible somewhereand people should be
able to impact it directly. Someone proposed to have some kind of
ideastorm where the community could make visible the stuff that really
matters. Voting bugs in bugzilla kind of does it but kind of not. Let's
work on this, starting soon and simple - then improve. Give us the
hottest topics in the main areas and let's concentrate on those.

- Diablo is coming. Let's pick the components in this software release
and let's make a table where packages are organized in a clear way to
show where they sit in the platform and what functionality they provide.
Then let's look at the closed components and let's work on the why are
they closed and what is the plan about them.

- Roadmapping the open source components of the platform. Should be
doable in most cases, specially those libraries developers care about.

Quim Gil
marketing manager, open source
maemo software @ Nokia
maemo-developers mailing list

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