2008/6/5 Ed Bartosh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> and libhildonhelp-dev to your package's Build-depends: and try again :)

Is there no shortcut to do at home. Seems rather time consuming to
upload, wait for an error and try again.

> Thank you for using autobuilder.
> Don't hesitate to ask more questions if any.

What should I put in my sources.list to upgrade my scratchbox.
Changing only chinook to diablo failed and indeed the
deb http://repository.maemo.org/ diablo free non-free extras
deb http://repository.maemo.org/extras diablo free non-free
deb file:/home/koos/maemo-sdk-nokia-binaries_4.0 diablo explicit
aren't there.

Koos Vriezen
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