Am Montag, den 25.08.2008, 10:42 +0300 schrieb Eero Tamminen:
> As to linking internal and external bugs, I think more interesting
> would be how many of the public bugs (which aren't enhancements
> or unconfirmed) don't have a corresponding internal bug alias...

the quota for the last month should be around 60%.
I'm currently conservative about transfering bug reports to
Nokia's internal bug tracker because it's lots of work to keep them in
sync (been working on some scripts to save me some time, but you cannot
automatize this because of the noise ratio. This is another debate I
won't start in this thread), and I normally wait until bug
reports have enough valuable information. Many reports are in moreinfo
state or cannot be reproduced easily, hence the quota will never be

Andre Klapper ( bugmaster)

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