--- On Thu, 4/9/08, Simon Pickering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Simon Pickering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: Moderator speak up - is maemo multitouch thread ok or not
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], maemo-developers@maemo.org
> Date: Thursday, 4 September, 2008, 5:13 PM
> > I am really surprised, there is a small group of maemo
> developers
> > showing interest not to discuss maemo multitouch and
> showing 
> > interest to have maemo no-multitouch in next years.
> I think Igor was fairly explicit in what he said,
> capacitive multi-touch was
> not very precise, therefore a resistive screen was chosen.
> This is fine by
> me as I do want to have very find control over where I
> click with my stylus.
> Someone else mentioned possible patent infringements, I
> don't know how much
> of a factor this is.

Who said so ?
What parent infringements ?
I have carefully analyzed patent applications by Apple and full-text patents 
granted to Apple
and there is nothing what can be infringed with another multitouch solution by 
Nokia, Samsung, Google or others.
Just learn to read patent law and patent full texts.

> I'm not sure anything we say will affect this, 
You don't have to be sure but we should discusss state-of-the-art.
Apple's iPhone is great market success and who is to blame
not to make Maemo community projects such a success 3 years ago ?

> putting together good
> business cases to say how multi-touch will be beneficial
ask Steve Jobs

> (and being explicit
> about how) would probably be a good start (in the same way
> that we have been
> justifying why the PowerVR driver should be released, etc.,
> on the wiki).
> > Quite contrary to iPhone developers , doing their best
> to 
> > make iPhone No.1 gizmo.
> Not through their discussion of multi-touch mind you :)

No discussion = no ideas.
Multitouch interfaces discussion is pending for years.
> > Multitouch is hot and market added value.
> > You can try to stop multitouch development but please
> offer 
> > something better.
> No-one is stopping you, in fact if you can get the
> non-multitouch resistive
> screen to produce useful "multitouch-like"
> behaviour, which is what Gary
> (lcuk) has been looking at, I'm sure we'll all be
> very pleased.

Who is Gary ?

> Cheers,
> Simon


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