You are completely wrong.
I remember you that it s a dev mailing list.
multitouch N900 maemo is what is more than welcome.

Your problems with multitouch operation are not shared by millions of happy 
users of iPhone, iPod Touch.
Multitouch technology by Apple generates huge profits
andf what counts in corporate business is profit per share.
So multitouch technology by Apple is a great success in making profit per share 
to go up and you can't stop developers to develop multitouch solutions in 
maemo, next editions of N810.

I have already suggested Quim Gil to set up Developers Think-Tank at Nokia
to start brain work on new technologies, how interfaces.
Nothing to be ashamed, solutions by Apple are today hot, modern and market 
Kinetics is exactly what is emerging in N810, coming from iPhone.

Yesterday read a long Eee PC marketing report by Asus.
What was expected to be hot and market success is not hot any more.
Screen to small, LCD panel to fat.
No chance for market success like one by Apple multitouch products.


You can't stop developers to develop multitouch solutions for N810 and other 
Nokia products.
You can't stop developers to discuss new features, new solutions.
Market is open for hot products only.

All you can do is to make maemo developers to develop multitouch solutions for 
third party products.

You said nothing about 2 patents for multitouch by Apple.
You suggested nothing to make next edition of N810 a really hot market product.

But you can still do something for users of Nokia Internet Tablet.
Welcome page of the Nokia Internet Tablet  Google Group
has been removed/ deleted ...
by ... ???

As Nokia Internet Tablet GG welcome page got edit-protected status by Google so 
this is hackers, Google , Google servers or.... to blame for that.
You can call Google HQ requesting Welcome page at
to be put back from Google GG backup.

Of course, you can do what you wish,
but it's very stupid idea to close maemo for multitouch solutions or just 
suggest anything like that.

Multitouch is hot, very hot, so kinetics.
You can't change market trends.


--- On Tue, 2/9/08, Benoît HERVIER <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Subject: Re: Nokia - lost second chance - another multitouch by Apple patented
> Date: Tuesday, 2 September, 2008, 10:41 PM
> 1) N 770 couldn't be multitouch this device don't
> exist. It s Nokia
> 770, it s not a nseries.
> 2) some people like found virtual keyboard useless. I hate
> this thing
> ... and many consider iPhone Hot ... specially when battery
> burn user.
> 3) Do you found iPhone multi touch usefull ? for what
> zooming/
> unzomming ... and after ? Have you ever use it ? I must
> each time do
> thing 3 time to get a result. The +/- button on the n8x0 is
> far away
> better.
> 4)  "> PDA by Asus are not hot, PDA by
> Samsung" but HTC are Hot ...
> Blackberry are too ... do they use multitouch ? no.
> 5)
> >What is trendy today is multitouch.
> >What is trendy tommorrow is 3D gesture recognition.
> You think that is trendy ... i think this sucks today how
> it s
> implemented, mainly due to hardware.
> 6) I remember you that it s a dev mailing list, and i think
> i ll say
> that many other think :
> -- 
> Benoît HERVIER -
> 2008/9/2 Darius Jack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hi,
> >
> > don't you think Nokia already lost 2 chances to go
> back to top with top cell
> > phone models,
> > having lost interest for N 770 ( first in the world
> multitouch Internet
> > tablet).
> > N 770 was really multitouch gizmo (just try to move
> web page with 2
> > fingers).
> > Another models - N800, N810 went in another direction
> (keyboard)
> > and market success of Apple with iPod Touch/ iPhone
> was even greater.
> >
> > Today Apple comes with another hot product -
> multitouch mini laptop.
> >
> > Please tell me frankly what makes Nokia to show no
> interest in development
> > of multitouch gizmos, so hot and welcome by customers
> world-wide ?
> >
> > My friend from Sweden developed multitouch computers
> and arranged sale and
> > presentation in Dubai.
> >
> > PDA by Asus are not hot, PDA by Samsung are not hot,
> hot are new cell
> > phones.
> > What ixs hot with iPhone is 0-mechanics gizmo, no
> mechanical button, no
> > mechanical keyboard.
> >
> > What is a chance to have hot multitouch gizmo by Nokia
> in next few years ?
> > Parents granted Apple for multitouch solutions still
> give room for Nokia and
> > others to develop and implement other how multitouch
> solutions, still
> > patentable.
> >
> > What is trendy today is multitouch.
> > What is trendy tommorrow is 3D gesture recognition.
> >
> > Darius
> >
> >
> >
> > Send instant messages to your online friends
> > _______________________________________________
> > maemo-developers mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >

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