"ext Lorn Potter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> I'm sending this from Helsinki-Vantaa airport on my way to Berlin. I
>> will be giving a presentation about stlc45xx at the Maemo Summit on
>> Friday 15:00. See you there!
> hopefully these will be recorded for those on the other side of the planet.

Luckily my presentation was not recorded :) But I have made the slides
available here:


>From now on I will not send any more stlc45xx news to
maemo-developers. Everyone interested should subscribe to
stlc45xx-devel or follow stlc45xx category from my blog[1]:


[1] Yes, I now have a blog even though I'm old school. Just don't tell
    my co-workers, otherwise I will be laughed out from the coffee room...

Kalle Valo
maemo-developers mailing list

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