On Fri, 23 Jan 2009, ext Frank Banul wrote:

> I use vi. I have not had the pleasure of learning Emacs. For my
> understanding, is it possible to define a list of files or directories
> in a project and then search for instances of used variables and how
> they are used? Same question for functions. I did a quick google
> search and didn't find either of these capabilities illustrated. 

For emacs (and, mutatis mutandis, for vim), see:

> I see color syntax support. I know vi has auto indentation and I
> assume emacs does as well but can they go as far as selecting blocks
> of code and auto indent?

Well, if you have to select first it's not really auto-indent -- but
yeah, just select and C-M-\ (ie., Control-Alt-backslash).

Emacs is a very powerful editor, but it can be a harsh mistress in the
beginning. When you put in the effort, most people seem to hang on --
'Stockholm Syndrome' :-)

To bring back the Maemo-angle: with Emacs it's easy (though probably not
if you've never used emacs) to integrate with the environment, run
compilers, debuggers in scratchbox or even on device.
Best wishes,

Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <dirk-jan.binn...@nokia.com>
NRC / Helsinki
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