On Tue, 2009-06-30 at 19:47 +0200, ext Murray Cumming wrote:
> I'm going to buy some BeagleBoards for the Openismus office.
> http://beagleboard.org/
> I'd like to try installing Maemo 5 on them, which I believe is possible,
> and which will be a learning experience.

Yes to both. You most likely know that Juha Kallioinen did work on
getting the alpha SDK running on the BeagleBoard
(http://maemo-beagle.garage.maemo.org/). Unfortunately Juha has been
busy with other stuff and hasn't had time to continue working with the

> I hear that Mer can be used with a mouse instead of just a touchscreen,
> but I'd like to install Maemo as intended, so I think we'll need
> touchscreen displays. So does anyone know of any touchscreen hardware
> that will definitely work with beagleboard and Maemo?

You don't necessarily need a touchscreen, the work Juha did here used a
normal usb mouse and standard monitor with a DVI plug.

The setup Till has is much cooler and more compact though :-)


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