Aniello Del Sorbo wrote:
> As much as I would love to learn Qt, I really hate C++.
> And I don't want to rely too much on Python.
> Also my personal interest in Maemo has been Xournal as eveyone knows,
> but if porting it to Qt involves learning C++.. brrr...

Well, you can write your main application in C and add for the qt GUI a 
more  or less small C++ layer. I did so some years ago with qt 1.4. I 
really don't understand all the features C++ offers (but I claim that I 
understand C very well, even what a C compiler does). But after a while 
I found some C++ features by far more elegant than writing the same in 
C. At least if you write some kind of OOP (gtk is in fact also OOP).

I will second that C++ has some strange features not everyone is quite 
familiar with... ;-)

  Klaus Rotter * klaus at rotters dot de *
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