3rdShift a écrit :
> On Mon, 2009-07-06 at 16:23 +0100, Aniello Del Sorbo wrote:
>> 2009/7/6 Andrea Grandi <a.gra...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi
>>> 2009/7/6 Klaus Rotter <kl...@rotters.de>:
>>>> ma...@bitblit.net wrote:
>>>>  > The way I understand it, Qt uses C++ but GTK uses C. So does one
>>>> need to
>>>>> learn C++ to write Maemo apps now? That would suck...
>>> I think you'll be able to write them in Python too....
>> What always stopped me from writing Qt application was that I had to
>> learn a new language to use it.
>> Of course the same reason applies the other way around.
>> As much as I would love to learn Qt, I really hate C++.
>> And I don't want to rely too much on Python.
> If you plan to stay in the business as career software developer, then
> the ability and willingness to retool yourself with new language/OS is a
> must. Otherwise, you have a slim chance to make a living for yourself
> and your family. Let me see, Algol/IBM360, Fortran/IBM360, PL/1/IBM360,
> Pascal/PC, C/Win,UNIX, C++/Win,UNIX,Embedded, Java/* - you get the
> picture. And this barely covers first 15 years of paid experience. The
> army of software developers is expotentially growing in east europe,
> asia, china, india, and here is US and writing new languages has become
> extremely easy compare to the old days.

And each new languages need a manual custom binding to use QT because of 
C++. The GObject model has been designed exactly to avoid a such big 
wast of time. GObject allow automatic binding in any languages. This is 
why GTK is technically superior to QT. GObject is a hug success in a lot 
of very important libraries. I don't see why we should left it for the 
widgets just because C++ fanatics don't want to learn how to code with a 
superior programming model that is open to any languages.

Ask yourself: why there is so few general libraries written in C++ 
compared to the libraries written in C ?

Jean-Christian de Rivaz
maemo-developers mailing list

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