ext Graham Cobb <g+...@cobb.uk.net> writes:

> So, given all the controversy and discussion, why don't we start with the 
> simple hack.

Yep.  How shall we start?  I noticed that the "vor" package is already
optified.  Nice!

I just ran maemo-optify over all extras-devel packages.  The result is

    deb http://zagadka.vm.bytemark.co.uk/optify/opts-2k/ ./
Please test your package if you are curious.  (But please be gentle with
that little server.)

Some data is here:


It has the format:

    package        n-links   kilobytes-saved

The top ten entries are:

    mysql-server-5.0   753   60770
    libicu40             8   16469
    enigma              19   16276
    mysql-client-5.0    32   15756
    libqt4-webkit        2   15508
    pokerth              7   12548
    glom                54   10569
    glom-sqlite         62   10565
    libqt4-gui           7   10039
    cmake                7    9173

The 700+ symlinks in mysql-server are certainly excessive and need
manual intervention, mysql-client, glom and glom-sqlite could need some
tuning, but the rest looks reasonable, I'd say.

> The **really** interesting question is going to be whether someone can come 
> up 
> with a solution which Nokia can (and will agree to) apply in a Fremantle 
> update!

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