El jue, 24-09-2009 a las 20:56 +0200, Cornelius Hald escribió:
> Hello again and sorry for the delay!
> I'll try to answer the mails from Claudio and API here. Just too many
> mails to reply one by one, so I'm replying to myself :P
> First, my proposal was not meant as a affront towards Igalia or the
> Hildon team. You have been very helpful in the past and I'm really
> grateful for this. If it was received like this, I'm really sorry.

I don't really see your email as confrontational or anything similar at
all. I just wanted to state once again that we are open to work together
with anyone interested.

> And yes, we talked about color/font choosers already but there have been
> no actions. No one had time and I was also doing nothing.
> Some days ago the issue came up again in a private discussion, so I was
> just thinking we should give it another try. Because, the fact remains
> that some of us need/want composite widgets like color/font choosers and
> it would be a shame if we duplicate work.
> I know you are also open for patches and I'm sure you'll do your best to
> include these into Hildon. Of course it would be the best solution to
> integrate the community widgets directly with Hildon and this should be
> the goal.
> But I'm quite sure that, for example, my code wouldn't pass your quality
> assurance easily. I'm still quite new to all this stuff and I might just
> produce poor code which needs a lot of work or testing.

Until you give it a try, it's only speculations. That's why I suggest
that we work together on moving things forward.

> Because of this I think we should have a garage project which acts as an
> incubator for the real thing. It should be super easy to commit code and
> to try out the code of others. Now, once a widget in the 'incubator' has
> matured enough it could easily be pulled into Hildon and have a happy
> life there :)
> Whether or not it makes sense to create a library out of the 'incubator'
> code or if it should be source only is debatable. I personally don't
> care much. For me it's just important that we have a easy way of
> sharing. Without bureaucracy or high entry barrier.

Experience shows that having a separate toolkit library causes more
damage in terms of maintainability than the advantages it might bring.
Just take the case of the GNOME project, for instance. At some point
GNOME suffered from a huge fragmentation of libraries, by the time when
libgnome and libgnomeui were becoming the place for widgets and code
that, for whatever reason, were not suitable for glib/GTK+. Later, other
libraries came: libsexy, libegg, etc. The spirit was similar.

But unfortunately, the result was that, on spite of being widely used,
these libraries ended up being mostly unmaintained, while glib and GTK+
slowly gained the missing features these provided. The effort to get rid
of the dependencies on the unmaintained libraries has been enormous and
after several development cycles, the GNOME community still can't fully
deprecate them/remove them.

> Also there might be widgets that you don't want to have in Hildon. There
> might be quality concerns or style concerns. I think those widgets still
> should have a home. They might be useful for one or two developers.
> This was/is really only a proposal. I for myself have not done anything
> yet (ok, a bit but not much). So I've not written any color or font
> chooser. I just wanted to start the discussion again and see what people
> are thinking. And as it turned out Andrew already has some code and is
> willing to share that - which is very nice!
> So what do you think? Is it a good idea to have an 'incubator'? Should
> it be source only or should it include releases as libs?
> Are more people interested? Which other widgets do you think are
> missing?
> There are some more things which I'll answer soon in separate mails :)

Well, I would personally prefer to see more people involved in hildon
instead of working on their own, specially now that there's clearly a
gap to be filled between the toolkit set that Diablo (or even plain GTK
+) has and what's part of Maemo 5 one. The only reason why these widgets
don't exist is because no one has come up with a proposal and/or initial
implementations on which to base on. Now that there's common interest, I
think it's a good moment to let the work happen.

If anyone is interested in going through a more detailed discussion of
what is missing in the toolkit nowadays, we'd be pleased to discuss it
in the hildon-de...@garage.maemo.org mailing list. Also, remember that
Berto and I will be hosting a BoF in the future of Hildon/GTK+ during
the Maemo Summit, so the instances to discuss in detail and start
working together are just right there.


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