El vie, 23-10-2009 a las 09:58 +0100, Aniello Del Sorbo escribió:
> 2009/10/23 Cornelius Hald <h...@icandy.de>:
> > On Fri, 2009-10-23 at 09:20 +0300, Kimmo Hämäläinen wrote:
> >> On Fri, 2009-10-23 at 08:08 +0200, Hamalainen Kimmo (Nokia-D/Helsinki)
> >> wrote:
> >> ...
> >> > Please, no threads, no!  The screenshot is only taken if it does not
> >> > exist, otherwise the existing screenshot is used.  So, the performance
> >> > penalty is not there every time, only when the old screenshot does not
> >> > exist.
> >>
> >> I take this back... After checking the code, it seems the application
> >> needs to check for the existing screenshot. What a disappointing
> >> design...
> >
> > But at least it looks like all screenshots are deleted automatically
> > once you switch themes. That's good :)
> >
> > Conny
> So ok, to recap, the hildon_gtk_window_take_screenshot only sends a DBUS 
> message
> to the window manager, 

No; it sets a property in the XWindow. No dbus involved. Read my
previous message.

> I think the best would be to have a way to retrieve the screenshot path
> so that we can check for it's existence before taking a new one (thus
> we wouldn't be checking
> it in a static path as we do now), instead of
> hildon_gtk_window_take_screenshot checking for
> its existence.

That would add extra communication overhead. I insist that the best
would be that the desktop itself checks whether the screenshot already


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