
        During the most recent Maemo.org Sprint meeting, Valerio suggested we  
get together on IRC and discuss the Quality Assurance process, and  
Extras-testing. There are a number of things to discuss, both  
technical and non-technical, and it would be great if we could come  
together and create a list of actionable items so we can make the QA  
process as efficient and usable as possible.

        Note that we as a community can drive this process, it is we who can  
shape it, make it great. Furthermore, if we can increase quality and  
can demonstrate a responsible and effective way of testing  
applications, we'll get more confidence from users and Nokia.  
Hopefully this confidence will result in the ability to also shape the  
entire development process - the toolchain, the licensing, scratchbox,  
etc. This is why I think it is paramount that we act responsibly and  
get as much feedback from developers as possible.

        We have a great opportunity here. We are establishing a method for  
doing QA and testing that is community based, on the most advanced  
mobile platform in the world. We have participation from people inside  
the Nokia firewall, from the community, and some excellent developers.  
Soon the device will be in the hands of users and all our hard work  
will have paid off.

        I encourage us as a community to be open and honest about the process  
- we have to fix what doesn't work and promote that which does. We  
can't do that without your participation.

        Meeting details:

        IRC: irc.freenode.org
        Channel: #maemo-meeting
        Time: Tuesday, November 10th, 14:30 UTC

        I hope to collect a list of issues, fixes, complaints, and maybe even  
some praise, which I will further send out to our existing  
communication channels so that we can execute the changes that this  
process needs. Please note that Niels is away in November and his  
feedback and views are crucial to our discussion since he has been  
involved in maemo and the infrastructure for such a long time. But  
make no mistake, this is a community process and we have Valerio to  
thank for taking a leadership role in this latest phase of testing  

        Best regards,

        Jeremiah Foster
        Maemo.org debmaster
maemo-developers mailing list

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