Am Donnerstag, den 03.12.2009, 06:07 -0500 schrieb Abdul Mateen:
> Yes, I think I should start by developing on Qt for Maemo 5 and
> onwards, I am also curious about distribution of applications, like
> Android has "Android Market" maemo has "Maemo Select" but I saw one
> can not push paid apps into Maemo Select. 
> Any news nokia is going for an app store for Maemo ?

Isn't that what Ovi is for?

In general: has the Extras repository for 3rd party software that one does
not have to pay for[1]. Access is available through
website and through the pre-installed Application Manager on the N900.
Nokia Maemo has the Ovi store.
"maemo" (with no capital letter) does not exist.


[1] I tried to express "free as in beer && (free as in software |
non-free)" a bit more understandable. Hope it works.
Andre Klapper ( bugmaster)

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