(Resent with correct time/date)

Hello all

I've uploaded an alpha version of my "shutter" home widget (IR shutter for 
Nikon DSLR) to extras-devel.
Functionaly, it works. But now I have a small problem in my installer that I'm 
unable to resolve:
After running the deb, the widget gets installed. It can then be added to the 
desktop by the user through the normal Desktop Config > Add Widget process. It 
shows up in the list and is selectable. But then it does not show up on the 

However, once the device is rebooted, the added widget is cleary visible and 
works well.

Now I really don't want to forece my users to reboot just because of a widget.
Therefore my question: what am I missing? Any special postinstall script to run?

Or is it a problem of my .desktop file?

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Issues a single IR command using LIRC

Thanks for any help

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