On Thu, 2010-03-18 at 12:37 -0500, Samir Faci (Dev) wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone has gone through the process of building the
> entire maemo
> operating system from source and if this has been documented anywhere?
> Basically, I'm looking for something that allows me to build the
> entire thing, make minor modifications... and be able
> to re-flash it to my phone.  N900 or similar architecture.

Not possible as maemo is not 100% open source and parts of the SDK are
distributed only as binaries. Also the system doesn't tend to respond
well to certain packages being updated outside of Nokia firmware

Other parts of the system are open however and it may be possible to
update them without causing problems due to future firmware updates.

Learn more about programming for N900 at

and specific instructions on how to install the SDK in particular at


Joseph Charpak

maemo-developers mailing list

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