On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 6:25 PM, Javier S. Pedro <ma...@javispedro.com> wrote:
>3. Qt Desktop guarantees that an application built under Qt 4.5 headers
>is binary compatible with Qt 4.6 libs. I'd like to know if we can guarantee 
>that an application built under Qt 4.6 headers but using no Qt 4.5 introduced 
>APIs would work under Qt 4.5 libs. 

This cannot be guaranteed. A single #ifdef can break such a setup, and these 
things might not be apparent at first (as some of the changes involve 
property names and values, so might even compile with the wrong version, but 
will simply not work as desired - the most common case exhibiting this 
problem IMO being finger scrolling, for example). 

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