Thanks a lot for the response. This was my interpretation too. But with
no guide I feel not supported. 
(To be honnest: I am doing a little iPad development the last weeks, and
I really feel supported with sample code, upgrade and porting
informations ...)

As porting to QT is not an option for vncviewer (I invested weeks
optimizing the performance quite close to gdk gtk) the only option would
be a rewrite using opengl, which I would not really would enjoy.
(Advantage: I could make an iPad version as well:-)

Now I am again in the situation, I do not know how to proceed with my
package. There are wishes on the todo list, but if end of life of maemo
is this christmas (new N800, N810, N900 always came on christmas), I
would develop for some weeks:-(

On the other hand, the ovi store is not performing well for the N900,
which makes sense, as most people come to N900 for gpl reasons. Same
will be true for MeeGo I think.

How to proceed.


Am Donnerstag, den 21.10.2010, 09:12 -0500 schrieb Michael Cronenworth: 
> ds wrote:
> > is there a guide, howto or something simelar on porting Maemo Apps (e.g.
> > gtk based) to MeeGo. I could not find on MeeGo and Maemo site:-(
> AFAIK GTK is still around in MeeGo and will still be supported. I know 
> Nokia wants everyone to use Qt, but not everyone wants to use Qt.
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