Hello everyone :)

Some of you may have heard back in summer when I announced that I was
working on an SSU, however, I decided to postpone it till PR1.3's out.
Now that it's out, I decided to work on it again. Niels Breet (X-Fade) has
kindly set up the repository on

Me and X-Fade have come to a conclusion that instead of faking the Nokia
meta-package, it would be better to make a new community one
Unfortunately, while this might be the right way, it caused me some problems
with the enabler package, so to work around it, a terminal window is started
from HAM (postinst) and then the postinst exits, the user then has to exit
HAM and go back to the terminal window to continue installation.

I've yet to make a complete changelog for this repository, however, I can
confirm that https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10613 is no longer
reproducible with the new hildon-desktop in the repository, so that's a
start ;)
New system packages, all of them are based on the latest gitorious sources.
hildon-desktop (with Matan's patches) | hildon-home |
hildon-application-manager | hildon-status-menu | modest (with patches for
bmo bugs #3700 and #2563)

As per above, community patches are welcome for any of the system packages.

To enable the repository, open
the N900.

This is not a proper announcement for the SSU, but more of a prerelease
before it's posted on talk.maemo.org, so please, do not post about this on

I'd appreciate any testing, suggestions and bug reports about this SSU,
before I make a proper announcement about it.

I'd also like to thanks Niels and Lucas Maneos (the Diablo community SSU
maintainer) for their help in setting this up.

P.S. #maemo-ssu is the SSU's channel on Freenode.

-- Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh
maemo-developers mailing list

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