On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 12:44 AM, Andrew Flegg <and...@bleb.org> wrote:

> Well, we won't know unless we test them, will we? Having said that, it
> seems that the Nokia maintainers have been tidying up loose ends -
> and, indeed, I hope we'll even see them contributing further now that
> they have more free rein to do "what they've always wanted".

In general terms, this is the first chance for the community to really
get involved with the software and get their code deployed to tons of
devices around the world - not just as an insulated application, but
something that forms the essence of the very phone.

If this gathers steam well, It could be a sort of new start for Maemo5.

>>> This is not a proper announcement for the SSU, but more of a prerelease
>>> before it's posted on talk.maemo.org, so please,
>>> do not post about this on talk.
>> That does not sound right. It sounds like you are trying to split this small
>> community into a few communities.
> No, it sounds like getting proper experienced developer feedback when
> launching something which has real possibility to lead to a reflash.
> In particular, the process with the X Terminal is already a little
> clunky (and didn't work for me directly; but did work when I ran the
> postinst as root from another X Terminal, something I've already
> reported to Mohammad).
>> What is your goal in setting up this SSU repository?
> AIUI (and Mohammad has the full backing of this council member), the
> aim is to ensure that the community SSU is up and running to deliver
> bug fixes and improvements to Maemo 5 now that Nokia have (most
> likely) completely moved on. The long delay in getting similar set up
> for Diablo meant that a lot of the impetus was lost. Now, however, the
> N900 development community has yet to move on to Harmattan (and,
> indeed, with some of the changes may not entirely) and has many more
> eager users. It's the perfect time to start building on the starting
> point delivered by Nokia. (For example, I already appreciated the
> packaging that hrw did in the past, and Mohammad is now doing, of
> Modest with the "proper quoting" and attribution patches the community
> provided; but Nokia never shipped).
> I can imagine a number of ways of getting involved if you want to
> help, including carving out a space on wiki.maemo.org to deal
> with/document the issues of and around:
>  * Release management - how does testing/QA/release work?
>  * Source code management - community SSU has branches in
>    gitorious, with "upstream" being the original projects with
>    their Nokia maintainers?
>  * Collaboration - new mailing list in addition to the IRC
>    channel?
>  * SSU utility development - improving the enabler, for example.
>  * Build process - are these packages being built from tarballs
>    by the autobuilder, or manually?
> I'd like to thank Mohammad again for his efforts over the last few
> months in starting this effort, and continuing with it now that
> PR1.3's been released.
> Cheers,
> Andrew
> --
> Andrew Flegg -- mailto:and...@bleb.org http://www.bleb.org/
> Maemo Community Council member
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