On Nov 10, 2007 11:39 PM, Denis DeLaRoca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Nov 2007, Denis DeLaRoca wrote:
> >
> >>> You will need root access.
> >>
> >> To install or to run -- can you clarify? Like I said, the binary was
> >> generated on a Maemo 3.2 Scratchbox and neither installation nor invocation
> >> of Alpine on the N800 (IT OS 2007) requires root privileges!
> I just revived my old n770 and loaded it with this Alpine binary and can
> confirm that I did *not* need root priviliges neither to install it nor to
> run it... I ran the binary from my home directory.

Sorry. my mistake.

A Thew
> Cheers,
> -- Denis
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