On Tue, 30 Sep 2008 10:59:51 -0500
Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Along these same lines, is there a file browser that will see the  
> entire "disk" including the hidden folders so I can see where the  
> files are piling up and which temp ones can be deleted? Or is there
> a utility for the n810 similar to TreeSize (windoze program) that
> will show you all the folders and how much space each folder
> (recursive) takes up?
> -- Scott
> On Sep 30, 2008, at 10:41 AM, Michael Conklin wrote:
> > In trying to install the OS Feature Upgrade this morning I get the  
> > message, insufficient space in target location.  Since the target  
> > location is the built in memory, I am wondering what the best  
> > strategy would be?  Should I uninstall applications until I get  
> > sufficient space and then reinstall later, or is there some better  
> > strategy?

        Just in case you missed it, move whatever files you may have
downloaded or other from /home/user/MyDocs. You can use the built in
file manager for this. The subdirectories include images and video as
well as documents. Hope this helps.

Best Regards,

___Peter The Plumber sm on the road

Sent from a mobile Internet Tablet
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