sebastian maemo wrote:
> Not an end-user has done non-specific whining at all. This thread started
> because of a specific question before deriving into a flame...

The tone of your first message in this thread was completely 
inappropriate, and has remained so throughout.

> The specific question was and still is that kismet package has just
> completely disappeared from all known repos... It was and still is all...

There is only one person in the world who can answer that "question": 
Cezary Jackiewicz (cezary (at), who is the maintainer of the 
eko1 repository.  You should ask for more information about why s/he 
took down the repository and if s/he plans to make the packages 
available in extras or elsewhere.  Cezary's site is in Polish, and it's 
not clear if s/he speaks English, though.

Nokia and the Maemo community have nothing to do with the availability 
of the eko1 repository or the packages in it.  Please drop this 
unproductive thread unless you manage to contact Cezary and wish to 
relay his/her response.

Mike Lococo
maemo-users mailing list

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