On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 11:36, Samuel Verschelde <sto...@laposte.net> wrote:
> Le jeudi 7 octobre 2010 11:20:04, Buchan Milne a écrit :
>> Maybe a rating/voting/popularity system should be available, however in the
>> past people had complained about privacy issues, which I think may have
>> resulted in little effort being put into completion of drakstats.
>> So, maybe a web site should also be developed, which allows users to also
>> access package rating information, and which provides some kind of
>> installation feature.
> Yes this web site could :
> - allow package rating
> - show download stats (if possible)
> - show recent versions updates (with the highest rating packages more visible 
> than an obscure lib :))
> - allow backport / new package requests (I know, bugzilla used to be the 
> place where you did that previously, but can't we find a way to link both). 
> This way packagers would have more visibility on the user's needs.

You describe quite what Kiosk was designed for (and what most App
Store are nowadays anyway).

> OK, buchan, how do we start ? Shall we put improvements proposals (UI, 
> website, ...) on the wiki, on
> http://mageia.org/wiki/doku.php?id=rollingdebate ?

No, these are two different things. Above wiki page is for stating a
perceived problem, and detailing what people view should be (or not
be) done.

Stating the need for, and specifying/scratching a web-based (or
semi-web-based) UI for a socially augmented software library is
another thing.


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