Op zaterdag 04 december 2010 21:32:51 schreef andre999:
> Dale Huckeby a écrit :
> > On Sat, 4 Dec 2010, andre999 wrote:
> >> John a écrit :
> >>> On Fri, 3 Dec 2010 11:28:26 +0100
> >>> 
> >>> Maarten Vanraes wrote:
> >>>> Op vrijdag 03 december 2010 10:45:05 schreef Ahmad Samir:
> >>>> [...]
> >>>> 
> >>>>> The kernel uses the word "tainted" when it detects the nvidia
> >>>>> proprietary module for example, (which admittedly gave me a bit of
> >>>>> shock the first time I saw it :)).
> >>>> 
> >>>> Heh, i had the same reaction.
> >>>> 
> >>>>> From all the proposed names, I think "tainted" is the best one, as
> >>>>> the
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> packages in there are in a "grey" zone, i.e. not totally illegal
> >>>>> everywhere, but illegal only in some places in the world. And in
> >>>>> reality the existence of a patent doesn't necessarily mean it's
> >>>>> enforceable in a court of law (the only way we'd know for sure is if
> >>>>> someone actually does try to sue)... my 0.02€ worth :)
> >> 
> >> Generally only potentially "illegal" in some countries.
> >> "Tainted" means contaminated, polluted. A lot stronger than
> >> potentially "illegal". (Really only actionable in a civil sense, not
> >> criminally illegal, as well.)
> >> A package could end up there due to an apparently credible rumour,
> >> later discredited. (Anyone remember SCO ?)
> > 
> > I agree. Problematic comes closer to "potentially illegal", so I looked
> > up some synonyms: ambiguous, debatable, dubious,
> > iffy, suspect, speculative, precarious, suspicious, uncertain,
> > unsettled, in addition to problematic itself. Personally
> > I like iffy, which is both short and to the point, but I think several
> > of these would do. WDYT?
> > 
> > Dale Huckeby
> A much better set of choices.
> (Thanks for looking these up.  Good idea.)
> Let's remember that the question for these packages is not the quality
> of their functioning - but rather the advisability to use them, for
> other reasons, in some countries.
> So I think that it is better to avoid words that could question the
> QUALITY of the packages.
> Words in the list like
>   ambiguous, debatable, problematic, and speculative
> avoid questioning the quality ... but could be too long or too formal.
> Or just not catchy enough ;)
> ("Iffy" might be ok - certainly catchy enough.)
> Additional words I found in Roget's thesaurus, along the same lines :
> Associated more with debatable :
> arguable, contestable, controvertible, disputable, questionable,
> Associated more with controversial :
> confutable, deniable, mistakable, moot
> Of these additional words, I think that "contestable", "disputable", and
> "controversial" are probably closest to the SENSE of the repositories.
> But maybe too formal ?
> Many of these words could be good choices.
> And maybe someone will come up with some more ?
> my 2 cents :)
> - André

i like speculative

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