Ahmad Samir a écrit :

On 22 February 2011 20:09, andre999<and...@laposte.net>  wrote:

First of all, "tainted" in English implies that the software doesn't work.
  (Unless it refers to food, in which case it means "poisonous".)
So we should choose a more appropriate name, such as "constrained", or use
the Ubuntu approach and use a name which doesn't literally describe the
contents. ("Multiverse", in their case.)
Anything but something that implies that there is something inherently wrong
with the package in question.
That was one advantage of "plf", but of course that is already taken. And it
is certainly advantageous to include such packages directly on Mageia

A Cleaner approach -- albeit more work -- would be for the "constrained"
package to be an external module which adds the missing functionality. For
less modular packages, this would be replacing (only) the files which
provide the questioned functionality.
For a typical a music player-type application, this would be only a be a few
relatively small files.

So a user that wants to add the "contrained" functionality would simply add
an extra package, which obviously would have a different name based on the
main package.
(It would be useful to suggest adding such packages during installation, if
the "contrained" repositories are selected.)
(That is, if such a related package is available in selected repos.)

Think of the gstreamer packages -- the "ugly" perhaps corresponding to the
"constrained" packages being considered.

my 2 cents :)

Just a small note, if you didn't like the colour of the bike shed you
should have discussed the point before it was built, painted, the
paint has dried and is about to have new residents.

And if you discussed the issue and your POV wasn't adapted, what's the
point re-emerging it now given that changing the new isn't easy now
that the infra- is already in place.

In 4+ months, a lot will be changed/corrected.
In my mind, this inappropriate name will tarnish Mageia.
We can surely find a much more appropriate name.
Since the repositories in question are empty, and will never be very big, the cost of changing is minimal.

I like the name tainted, (note that the kernel does use the word
tainted to indicate there's a non-open source binary blob/driver e.g.
with the nvidia proprietary driver, so this usage is not unheard of).

And the word "tainted" wasn't used to indicate some kind of dysfunction ? (Normally the kernel outputs ERROR messages.)

I have encountered a kernel message containing "not tainted", to indicate that a particular file was not corrupted. (The bug was caused by something else.)

Regards :)

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