2011/2/24 Thierry Vignaud <thierry.vign...@gmail.com>:
> On 24 February 2011 07:13, andre999 <and...@laposte.net> wrote:
>>> And if you discussed the issue and your POV wasn't adapted, what's the
>>> point re-emerging it now given that changing the new isn't easy now
>>> that the infra- is already in place.
>> In 4+ months, a lot will be changed/corrected.
>> In my mind, this inappropriate name will tarnish Mageia.
>> We can surely find a much more appropriate name.
>> Since the repositories in question are empty, and will never be very big,
>> the cost of changing is minimal.
> Then what do you suggest?
> (Remember we already have that discussion)
> "half free" :-)
> "maybe free"
> "free & maybe patent-free in your country"/release
> "not sure" (special idiocraty for blino&pterjan) (me slapping enael
> for having let those guys view that film)

As a side note, let me protest against this. I was a victim and had to
watch it 3 or 4 times


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