Quote: Oliver Burger wrote on Fri, 04 March 2011 12:30
> Tux99 <tux99-...@uridium.org> schrieb am 2011-03-04
> > Forgot to add:
> > the primary email address in the mageia-identity db should only be
> > used for communication between mageia systems and the user, like
> > bugtrack notifications, forum notifications, etc. It should not be
> > displayed or made available to the public anywhere.
> Then we just kill all the efforts we made to have a single account for
> everything?
> I don't think so.

I think you misunderstood me, I'm not talking about multiple accounts, just
a second email address associated with the existing mageia account.

> After all: if you use an address in the mailing list, bugzilla etc. it
> is publicly displayed. So what's the matter of displaying the same 
> adress in the changelog?

I don't use the same email address on the ML as in my Mageia account (like
I said I use separate email addresses for each purpose). I don't think I'm
the only one here using a separate email addr for the MLs.
AFAIK on bugzilla addresses are not publically displayed (they are only
visible for logged in users which in my experience is enough to avoid
email harvesters).

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