Quote: Wolfgang Bornath wrote on Fri, 04 March 2011 13:57

> My experience of the last 3 years shows that the spam I get is very
> low.
> Spam escaping Google's spam filter is around 3-4 per week.
> Spam in Google's spam folder is between 15-25 per day, but that does
> not bother me anyway.

Well if you are happy with that then that's great for you.
Here are the stats of my mail server for a single week:

    122   received
    126   delivered
      0   forwarded
      4   deferred  (7  deferrals)
      0   bounced
  51124   rejected (99%)

rejected is practically all spam and is a simple SMTP reject of blocked or
non-existent email addresses, not content based spam filtering.

> Also I would not change mail addresses just because of spam. 

Nobody is changing email addresses, read the yahoo link it's just
variations of the same address, your basic address stays the same. 

> excessive spam I'd rather use other means like a good spam filter
> and/or a tar pit or whatever. I'm not used to let spammers rule my
> mail system.

Exactly, spam filters use up plenty cpu cycles (which is a problem when you
run your own server), delay mails (when using greylisting) and therefore
would rule the mail system as you say (not to mention having to deal with
false positives or false negatives), using multiple addresses is dead easy
and much less hassle once you understand the system and get used to it.

I don't have a spam folder or spam filter at all, since I get maybe 1 or 2
spam emails a week with this system.

Anyway I have no intention of converting or convincing you of anything,
just accept that there are other ways to deal with email that are equally
good, that other people use.

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