On Fri, Mar 04, 2011 at 07:20:16PM +0100, Tux99 wrote:
> Quote: Wolfgang Bornath wrote on Fri, 04 March 2011 15:49
> > Our mailserver (catering to @mandrivauser.de) does not
> > show such figures. The percentage of our mailserver shows
> > 56.16% accepted, 43.84 rejected. Of these accepted mails
> > our spam filter shows 20% spam (average). Accordingly the
> > server does not waste recognizable power on the mail system.
> > 
> > Maybe with such a setup as yours and such results I may think
> > about changing something, I'd not accept such a situation.
> Wobo you completely missread the situation, it's your server setup that
> could still be improved since yours is still accepting spam (which then
> has to be filtered out at a higher cpu cost later on), my server is
> rejecting pratically all spam at the initial SMTP stage, there is nothing
> more efficient than that.
> Anyway like you said this is OT here, if you want mail me privately to
> continue this.
> -- 
> Mageia ML Forum Gateway: http://mageia.linuxtech.net/forum/

Damn now I know why I have so many unread mails in my inbox, 10 mails
about mail workflow seems quite a lot don’t you think ?

Please try to stay on-topic, you’re just dilluting an interesting debate
into technical considerations noone cares about…

Sorry for being rude, but I see that kind of behaviour as a lack of
respect too.
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