2011/3/9 nicolas vigier <bo...@mars-attacks.org>:
> On Wed, 09 Mar 2011, Per Øyvind Karlsen wrote:
>> it works well
>> at exploiting the short attention span and lack of interest from many,
>> weeding out ignorant dumbshit and FUD from people I have no interest
>> in any input from to begin with..
> Exactly ! Too many ignorant people here, it's time to move the
> discussion to an other mailing list, as there is of course no interest
> in reading any input from those people who refuse to see the obvious
> superiority of RPM5. I suggest to use one of the lists on rpm5.org.
> I'm sure the numerous people interested in your wonderful advices about
> how rpm5 is much much better than rpm.org (while of course *not* pushing
> rpm5 at all) will immediatly subscribe to the rpm5.org mailing lists !
>> If too technical and of no interest to you, then simply don't read it and
>> we're both happy. If getting bored  becomes a problem, go play on the
> I guess all the people interested in this subject already subscribed
> (or will do it soon) on rpm5.org mailing list. Now can you please
> continue this captivating discussion there, but stop posting on
> mageia-dev ?
Nicolas, I greatly appreciate your consistent attitude over the last six
months without letting self-consciousness trouble you, your excellent
timing and superb ability to help making something discussed soobvious
by demonstrating it so perfectly saves me a lot of work and
the feeling of being considered as paranoid, hysterical and
embarassment of trying to describe the details of in specific.

Not feeling the need of having to say much further on this now. :)

Per Øyvind

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