Frank Griffin a écrit :

On 03/26/2011 06:37 PM, Maarten Vanraes wrote:

During the times mandriva had several CDs to install it, the new ones
only dl'ed one and complained when stuff didn't work.

I forsee possibly here the same issue with this, people will forget to
download the extra non_free CD, or do not care about non_free; wipe their
windows, install mageia, and have no networking to even get drivers

how would we advertise this anyway? this extra CD contains non_free
but if you have an machine with networking from vendor X with types
you will absolutely need this to have functional networking?

it sounds to me like an awful lot of extra work, and complaints, etc...
Well, then, maybe what we need to do is say that both ISOs, the 4.7GB
primary and the 60 MB(?) secondary ar both required, and let the people
who don't need the second one be pleasantly surprised.

Wouldn't it be better that new users be pleasantly surprised by a system that installs nicely from a single DVD, and all the hardware "just works" ?

If we want to avoid the situation where people are dissatisfied because the DVD they install produces a Mageia system where the hardware doesn't work properly, we have to provide a single DVD that is complete, in terms of hardware drivers. Such cases will produce a lot of negative reaction to Mageia among many users. Saying that users should install with 2 ISOs may sound great, but many will forget the secondary ISO. Why would they expect to need it ? And why would they want the hassle of a second ISO, when one is a DVD ? A much simpler, ergonomic solution is make space (you suggest 60 M) on the DVD for the necessary drivers.
(That might mean removing 1 or 2 packages that few users would want anyway.)
At least we will have a product much less likely to give a negative reaction. Let's face it. The DVD will contain proprietary firmware/drivers anyway, so why not include all that is necessary for a properly running system ? Excluding these drivers just ensures that we will have the reputation of not supporting all hardware.

If the community _really_ wants to produce a totally free DVD, it should be called "free for experts" accompanied with a "drivers for free for experts" CD. Of course this DVD will have to have a special kernel, compiled without proprietory firmware/drivers. Otherwise it is just an exercice in hypocracy.
But that is another question.

Then we could call the normal DVD "free with proprietory drivers".
Of course this normal DVD would only include such proprietory drivers where there is not a reliable open source equivalent available. We could consider this a sort of "as free as possible in practice" for a fully working system, in terms of hardware.

(If we go for the alternate DVD solution, the easiest way is to produce the normal DVD with all the drivers, and just exclude the proprietory drivers on the other, putting them on the CD. But such as DVD would't be totally free.)

BTW, the Mandriva free DVD lacks some necessary drivers, which is really a hassle if one doesn't have internet access during install, even for advanced Mandriva Linux users.


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