On 03/27/2011 06:33 PM, andre999 wrote:
Frank Griffin a écrit :

On 03/26/2011 06:37 PM, Maarten Vanraes wrote:

During the times mandriva had several CDs to install it, the new ones
only dl'ed one and complained when stuff didn't work.

I forsee possibly here the same issue with this, people will forget to
download the extra non_free CD, or do not care about non_free; wipe their
windows, install mageia, and have no networking to even get drivers

how would we advertise this anyway? this extra CD contains non_free
but if you have an machine with networking from vendor X with types
you will absolutely need this to have functional networking?

it sounds to me like an awful lot of extra work, and complaints, etc...
Well, then, maybe what we need to do is say that both ISOs, the 4.7GB
primary and the 60 MB(?) secondary ar both required, and let the people
who don't need the second one be pleasantly surprised.

Wouldn't it be better that new users be pleasantly surprised by a system that installs nicely from a single DVD, and all the hardware "just works" ?

If we want to avoid the situation where people are dissatisfied because the DVD they install produces a Mageia system where the hardware doesn't work properly, we have to provide a single DVD that is complete, in terms of hardware drivers.

Please have this conversation with someone who wants to insist on having two ISOs. All I've said is that I see no reason why having two ISOs is a particular burden on new users, not that I think it's the way to go. You can wave the flag all you want about how the poor users would have a better install experience with a single ISO, but you haven't quantified your argument and I don't care enough about the issue to do so.

I don't consider myself an expert on the reactions of newbies, and given that you're on this mailing list, I don't see any reason to consider you to be such an expert. If you want to present your bona fides, please do so to the marketing group who will presumably decide what any single or primary ISO should or should not contain.

I'll say again that I don't care where the additional files come from as long as the install takes notice of them if they are there.

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