2011/7/1 Daniel Kreuter <daniel.kreute...@googlemail.com>:
> On 07/01/2011 01:21 PM, Anne nicolas wrote:
> [...]
>>> True.
>>> A developer would (almost always) be packaging their own creations.
>>> Often enhancements to upstream software.
>>> Thanks for the comment.  I'm including the idea in the wiki page.
>> Was not exactly what I meant. You cannot expect developpers to package
>> his own soft for zillions of distros. But at least you can expect him
>> to follow main rules that will help packagers: using Makefile,
>> following  FHS...
> Not for zillions of distros, but someone who develops for Mageia should have
> some experience with packaging.

Do you mean we should not share our devs with other distros ? :)
> Greetings


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