On 19 June 2011 15:00, Michael Scherer <m...@zarb.org> wrote:
> Le samedi 18 juin 2011 à 23:25 +0300, Ahmad Samir a écrit :
>> On 15 June 2011 22:32, Stew Benedict <stewbi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> qa-bugs@ can't be be set as the assignee in bug reports, it should be
>> made possible.
> Yes, that requires to create a account for that. Dmorgan knows, I
> don't :/ ( and we should document that once the wiki will be installed
> ).
>> The same for sec team, there should be a way to assign/put-in-CC.
> That would requires the creation of the secteam as something more formal
> than now, and for now, that's "no".
> So you should better explain the need about assigning or put a group of
> people in CC when you can simply put one person for that.
> --
> Michael Scherer

Sorry, I seem to have missed this email.

I can see secur...@groups.mageia.org can be set as bug assignee in
bugzilla now, so the discussion is null at this point.

About the "better explanation", the benefits of having one generic
email address set as assignee in security-related bug reports, just
one point, not having one point of failure, if the only person in the
sec team becomes unavailable for a prolonged period of time for any
reason, someone will have to trudge through the bug reports assigned
to him to change the assignee field, whereas if a generic email
address is used that won't be necessary.

Ahmad Samir

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