On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 3:25 PM, Christian Lohmaier
<lohmaier+mag...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi Florian,
> On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 8:42 PM, Florian Hubold <doktor5...@arcor.de> wrote:
>> Am 12.01.2012 19:01, schrieb Christian Lohmaier:
>>>> [..]
>> PS: Maybe next time you could improve on your wording, the policy may
>> currently be incorrect, not reflecting good packaging practices, but as it's
>> only a policy written by humans, it's not dumb. Just a hint. ;)
> No, I disagree. The policy as written is dumb in my opinion. But that
> doesn't mean I consider the people who edited the wiki to be dumb.
> That is a huge difference in my opinion. If I tell someone "Ugh,
> that's an ugly shirt you're wearing today" it is not the same as
> telling the person "you are ugly" - but people on this list do get it
> that way.

Continuing with your example, yes, you aren't telling them that
they're ugly, you are telling them that they have bad taste, and for
some that can be insulting and for others not. You could have made
your point by saying that *you* don't like that t-shirt because of x
and y motives and if he had chosen another one with Y characteristics
would look much better on him.

Do you see the difference on wording ? you are expressing the same
idea but in a more polite way. The same applies here. Your point about
the problem in the policy is totally valid and needs to be addressed,
but the way you expressed it is not, no matter you if you think it
was. If it was, then no one had felt insulted on the first place ;)


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