W dniu 30.01.2012 20:53, Claire Revillet pisze:
Le 30/01/2012 17:55, Kamil Rytarowski a écrit :

W dniu 30.01.2012 14:33, Funda Wang pisze:
Personally, i'm in favour of dropping it, due to what is said in its homepage:
StarDict hasn't seen any active development for many years
Well it's worth to consider importing goldentict too, but I'm against dropping stardict - it's actually alive and people keep porting it to GTK3. https://code.google.com/p/stardict-3/updates/list

What about asking his (her) opinion to the maintainer *before* upgrading it to the "new" version ?


  + kamil<kamil>
    - new versdion 3.0.3
    - disable all patches, they seem merged
    - update URL
    - update SOURCE

As the maintainer, it was to me to take the decision to upgrade or propose something else for mageia.
Hi Claire!

I keep updating URLs and SOURCEs - the initial bug-request was there https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3035 (I have reviewed initially 2,500 source-packages).

You have the right to ask me what I want to do with it and to expose your opinion. But next time, ask the maintainer before ! There was no bugreport open for stardict, so no emergency to touch this package.

And in case you are no aware of the fact we have a database for maintainership :
mgarepo maintdb get<package_name>
do the trick.
I was informed that this mostly means that you are responsible for decisions what to do in future with a package, and you are ready to be assigned in a bug-request etc.

So what do you think about the future of StarDICT? I was looking at the projects and I'm a little bit affraid of the licenses and patents. For example GoldenDict is said to support Babylon - and this can be problematic with patents.

Have you reviewed the dicts if they are legally used?


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